Monday, May 7, 2012

List update

Ok so  its been awhile, but I have been working on the list a bit over the past few months, and I am totally gearing up for summer.  The weather has been great (aside from this rainy week we just suffered through) and we have been having a TON of fun!
For list action I have :
29. Uploaded and organized by month all the pictures we have, including the ones my MIL has taken and uploaded to her computer.
11. Not had a single soda since December 31st, and while I am sure my students are trying to taunt me by bringing Dr. Pepper to class, my rational brain reminds me that they are not evil soda taunters, but sweet teenagers and I am the crazy one who has given up the sugary goodness for a year... this is actually tougher than I thought it would be... not because I drink a lot of soda, but every once in a while I like it and get it when we are out at restaurants... there's not a lot of choices for non-carbonated drinks and iced tea can get a little old (and lets be honest... just isn't that great at some places).
7&8. My best friend from middle school just moved back to Maine and I am so excited.  We went out Saturday night and had the time of our lives (even though we are both mommys of two boys) and I plan on trying to make this happen a lot more now that she is home.  We also got to see the boys' godparents at their birthday party, including my college roommate who came up from Connecticut and we got some girl time in, plus we are going to dinner with some friends that we don't get to see a lot this Saturday.  I am really happy that we are getting the chance to do this since we don't get to go out a lot without the boys and its hard to get out with other people with them because its hard to seat a large group, and kidless folks like to eat dinner a little later than the littles do.
25. We bought the boys fishing poles for their birthday so once we get up to camp, we are ready to go!
24. We are working on this one right now... I am waiting for my birthday because I am hoping my parents are going to help me with this and also because by then the new MacBooks will be out and that is definitely what I would like.
3. The boys and I planted some pots with some veggies and flowers and while this was not entirely what I had in mind when I started this list, I am realizing that it will probably have to do because we won't be able to grow a garden in our home while Josh is still working at camp.  We planted cucumbers, beans, tomatos, marigolds and zinnias.  Hopefully they all grow and the boys don't pull the blossoms off like they did last summer!
10. I started a list of books that are out of the norm for me and have one waiting on my Kindle, but I just started a really interesting book on the social history of bread so that one will have to wait until I finish my bread book, plus I should really try to finish Real Boys before the end of the school year since I borrowed that from another teacher friend.
21. I pinned the boys quilts to get them ready for quilting... that took a lot fumes and help from Josh's mom because the two flannel pieces were super slippery so we had to use quilt basting spray... even Jack was turned off by the smell and he was upstairs in bed!

I think thats it for now... I am plugging away on the list and at life and having a great time with it.  I will update more on the boys' birthday party and our trip to Boston at a later date but for now I should probably head to bed since I have to work tomorrow!  Hopefully some party pictures and Boston pictures too!

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