Sunday, October 30, 2011

An update

Things have been crazy here.  We are still living with my inlaws trying to find a place to rent/buy in our area... its hard because our town has a lot of not nice areas and few nice neighborhoods, surrounded by really nice towns that are just a little too far at this point to make our daycare situation feasible.  It is working out okay and we are constantly on the search for just the right place for us!

Things have been crazy for both Josh and I at work, so there has not been a lot of down time around here!  We have been trying to do some fun things with the boys on the weekend, we went apple picking, I took them to Smiling Hill Farm with some friends, and we went to Goffstown to visit the boys' godfather and see the Pumpkin Regatta... which was fun and interesting.

The boys are doing really well at school.  They still have a tough time with drop offs and pick ups some days, but they seem to be adjusting well.  This month their teacher is going to be teaching the kids some signs, so hopefully that will help the boys fit a bit better with the kids who have much bigger vocabularies than they have.  She will also be talking about twins, which should be interesting.  I wish I could ask them about it and get an answer of what they think about what she talks about, but that will have to wait.  They are doing really well with speech and making some big progress.  They use about 7 words on a regular basis (up from about 2 in August), and are working on same a lot more sounds and words with Shiloh.  We are having a meeting in November to sign the paperwork to get their evaluation for 3-5 services, which will give them an IEP and services through the school district.   This will be an interesting change, hopefully it goes smoothly!

I just today finished squaring the squares for their quilt, so I will be ironing and sewing those into strips probably this weekend.   I am getting closer to having two complete quilts for their twin beds as soon as we move!

I think thats it, I will try to post some of our outings and upcoming adventures, plus something new for me that will hopefully keep me updating more frequently!

Friday, September 16, 2011


When looking forward to our child care situation for this school year last spring, Josh and I started to look at day cares and preschools in our area.  After the boys failed out of day care last year, I was a little leery about them being with people other than family and making sure they gave them a good chance to adjust, but I also knew it was time for them to start interacting with kids their own age.  We met with a couple of preschools in the area and decided that we really like one that was close to our house and Josh's parents house.  We paid our deposit and moved on since the boys wouldn't start until September.

This summer I tried to find activities that would bring them around kids their age.  We went to the Greenlight Studio in Portland, they took a gymnastics class, they hung out with a fellow camp staffers daughter, we went to playgrounds, parks and museums to try to get them to interact more with other kids.

And then last week, they started school.  Since it is preschool and not day care they have class from 9AM to 11:30AM, which means Josh's mom drops them off and picks them up after school.  So I left for my first day back to work, the same day that they headed to school.

The first day they went in for an hour with just one other little girl, and all three cried pretty much the whole time.  I had the worst Mommy guilt in the world, throwing my babies into the big world all by themselves and I am not even the one able to see them off!

They have gone back a few times now and my mother in law sends me a text after each drop off and pick up, and each one gets better and better.  They are slowly adjusting to the routine and becoming more comfortable with the people around them.

It makes me feel great to know that they are adjusting much quicker to the new situation and that means they are in great hands who understand their needs and respond to them in a calm and reassuring way.

They even showed off their "homework" to the other kids in class and played independent of each other at class yesterday.

I am so happy with our decision to start them in preschool and can already see changes in behavior and they are trying to say new words with increasing frequency.  I just love watching my babies grow up and really feel this time like we made the right choice in our children's care and education.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My new way to drive myself crazy

When the boys were born we had a great nursery for them with matching cribs, matching bedding, fun colorful furniture and awesome prints on the wall.  It was very neutral and not too babyish.  Now that they are toddlers and sleeping in real beds, I wanted to find them the best bedding to match what we already had for them.  Their curtains could transfer over, as well as most of the furniture and some of the decorations.  Plus we ordered these awesome prints from Etsy that have song lyrics and they look a little like this but different colors:
So I wanted to find the perfect bedding to go on their new twin beds that they would be moving into when we got home from camp (more on what happened to burst that bubble later).  I looked at Pottery Barn, I looked at Land of Nod, Target, Macy's, JC Penney... I looked everywhere, I even looked at Walmart... I hate Walmart. 

I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, in the right colors or size... so I decided I would do it myself.  Why not?  It can't be that difficult to make a blanket right?  I had done it once before, it hadn't been perfect, but it serves its purpose... I decided I was going to do a Turning Twenty pattern... how hard could it be, its just squares sewn together right? So I went to JoAnn's Fabrics and bought a bunch of fat quarters and half yards to get myself started... realized I needed a whole lot more and went to Marden's... and realized I needed still more and went back to Marden's... At this point I have all the squares cut, and have started sewing... so far I feel like it is going well, and I will show you when it is done, as long as it gets done!  

It will be interesting to see what happens once I get all the squares sewn and have to start sewing them together, because I honestly have a hard time sewing in a straight line, and I want these to come out really well so that the boys will be able to enjoy them for a long time.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

cloth diapering twins

When I found out I was pregnant  I was terrified... and excited!  I had all these plans and dreams, I wanted to cloth diaper like my mom had with me... I pretty much figured I was going to have to considering how sensitive my skin was and still is... I wanted to baby wear and make my own food, I was going to breastfeed until he/shere was at least 1 and keep going if I was able to...
Then we went for an ultrasound and I discovered that I was pregnant with twins... a lot of those plans changed from that moment, I was overwhelmed and couldn't think clearly about what it was going to be like to raise not just one baby, but TWO, at the same time!

I changed my mind on a lot of things that day, and cloth diapering was one of them... I just couldn't fathom how on earth I would be able to buy enough diapers to cloth diaper two babies, plus have the time to wash all those diapers, all their clothes, it was too much for me at the time.  And then we were given a very generous gift.  Most of the teachers at my husband's school made a calendar and picked weeks to buy diapers, two teachers per week bought us diapers starting in April and going all the way to August!  It was amazing, every day my husband went to school, it seemed he came home with another box of diapers... plus all the diapers I received at my shower and from the showers held for us at school.   Needless to say, while we were using disposable diapers, we almost never had to buy diapers, unless we ran out of a size before they were big enough for the next one!

We had enough diapers stock piled that we really didn't have to think about buying diapers until the boys first birthday... at that point I was thinking of the cost and it was blowing my mind how expensive diapers were!  After having bought formula for the past year after nursing didn't work out, the idea of adding diapers to the expense list was a little daunting!  At that exact time, a friend of mine had a few cloth diapers that she had tried, but they just weren't working out for her and her daughter.  I figured it would be a great way to ease into and see if cloth diapering worked for us.

We bought the Flip diaper system from her with I think 4 covers and 6-10 inserts?  Plus a whole bunch of the disposable inserts (which I hated, but I hear they have changed them since then).  Josh wasn't sure if he was going to be able to do it.. so we continued to use disposable wipes and kept some sposies on hand just in case.
They were awesome!  I knew this was going to work for me, so I convinced Josh that we should invest in a few more covers and inserts to cut down on the laundry.  We ended up having 12 covers and about 30 inserts at our highest stash count.  The great part about the Flip system is that you can reuse the cover until it gets dirty (pooped on... or I found 2 or 3 pees were about the limit before it started to smell... or overnight pee).  So we could have just a few covers and lots of inserts and still be good on diapers for a couple of days.  My mother in law didn't want to use them, so while the boys were with her they were still in disposables but when my mom had them or they were in day care (as briefly as that lasted... wish I was blogging back then) they would be in their Flips.  It was great.  I was even able to cloth diaper them while we were living at camp sharing a washing machine with the guys on staff.

And then I made the best discovery.... Rockin' Green
The best laundry detergent I have ever used!  I still use it on our towels and sheets because the stuff is awesome.  We had been having trouble with a funky smell in our diapers which not even the best natural , CD friendly detergents could get rid of... I soak our diapers in the Rockin Green and they were soft, clean and smell free!
And washing the diapers was so easy... every two or three days I would throw everything in the washing machine, including the pail liner, run them through a wash and a couple of rinses then I could throw the inserts in the dryer, and line dry the covers... not nearly as overwhelming as I had feared when I was nine weeks pregnant and freaking out about having twins

I loved the time we were cloth diapering, their fluffy bums filling out their shorts/pants, the ease of washing diapers, not having to worry about whether or not I had to run to the store to get more diapers, it was great!
We started potty training over the summer, and I would like to say we are using cloth training pants... but we are not.  The washing machine situation at camp changed over the summer, and we had a ton going on (the boys had a very busy social calendar this summer) so we are using Pull-Ups and Huggies Slip-Ons at night because it just wouldn't make sense to use two diapers a night and have to wait 4-5 days to have a load (plus that would be smelly... pew).
 I miss our cloth diapers and while we have sold/donated/paid forward most of the things we had for the boys when they were babies, the cloth diapers are something I plan on hanging on to... just in case.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Birthday Party for two two year olds

When we started to think about boys birthday party, we realized we would be leaving for DC the day after their birthday and that our friend, Heidi, would also be having a party for her daughter who shares a birthday with the boys, but is a year older.  We decided we would party down at Heidi's party, have a little celebration with family on the boys' birthday and wait to have their party after we got back from DC.  It was great.  Heidi is super thoughtful and made special cupcakes for the boys to have at Elliot's party.  We then went home and had a special dinner with Josh's parents and CAKE!

We left the next day for our trip and had a great time (which I posted about right before this!) and after we had come home and things had settled down, we had a little party for them.  Last year we had a gigantic party with over 30 people and it took us 3 hours just to open the gifts from everyone!  It had a sock monkey theme and was a whole lot of fun, but we just weren't up for that again this year.  So we invited just a few close friends and our families and had a much smaller party.  This year's theme was construction.  The boys love anything involving trucks of any kind and so I knew that construction was the way to go... I didn't want to go overboard, so there were a few decorations and balloons, and the best part were the construction orange cupcakes for guests and the John Deere green giant cupcakes with tractor candles for the boys. 

I think they liked them!

The boys had a great time and we had so much fun celebrating with the people closest to the boys!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OK here it is... the long awaited... DC post!

I have got to get this ball rolling on this blog, so I am going to update a bunch tonight and start them rolling out over the next week or so... first off... DC!!

My husband Josh and I decided around Christmas time last year that we were feeling adventurous and that it was time for a family vacation.  The boys were walking, they were sleeping well, eating well, and for the most part are pretty well behaved two year olds.  We racked our brains on where would be the best place to go.  We knew we wanted to go during April school vacation, being that we are both teachers and it would really be too cold to go anywhere in February.  We also knew we were not ready to fly with two newly two year olds (the boys birthday is in April right around school vacation time).  We just weren't ready for that challenge.  So that left us with the area surrounding our home state of Maine.  So we thought maybe Boston...  nah can do that in little day trips, which we have done numerous times with them... New York, lots of things to do... but not very kid friendly in our opinion... Washington D.C.... a bit of a stretch as far as the drive, but the museums we wanted to see were free, the weather would be warm and there were lots of things for the kids if they got burnt out on museuming!  Perfect!  I, being the planner in the family, immediately started to think of what we were going to need.  Diapers, lots of diapers, wipes, two single strollers, pack and plays, snacks, sippy cups.... whew!  My head was spinning... I made a list and started packing (yep in December folks!)

I started that early because I knew there were some things we were going to bring with us that just wouldn't really be used until the trip... and lets put packing in quotes, because really it was just gathering supplies and making lists.
Here is what we brought for our weeklong trip with two two year olds:
two single strollers
two pack and plays
1 box of wipes from BJs
1 box of diapers from BJs (yes we were a cloth diapering family... but I wasn't going to do that 11 hours from home!)
7 pairs of shorts/pants each (we were there for 5 days)
24 pairs of jammies
7 shirts each
2 pairs of shoes each
24 pairs of socks
2 hats
4 sweatshirts
3 boxes of grammy sammys
15 squeezable yogurt smoothies
4 sippy cups
2 bags of goldfish
3 bags of animal crackers
magna doodles, crayons, paper, 3 new toys each and stickers!
all of mine and my husbands clothes and shoes
a GIGANTIC bag of gummy bears and also one of pretzel M&Ms

and I am super happy to say that everything fit into the back of my Saturn VUE and I could see out the back window!!

Our best idea was that we leave at 11 at night and drive through the night so that the boys would be sleeping and we would arrive in DC around breakfast time the next day, hit the ground running and be ready to go!  Well, the boys slept for most of the night, but I was not able to sleep during my sleeping shift so I was a little tired, managed to make it through the day and crashed at 6PM with the boys!

Our trip was phenomenal!  The boys behaved fantastically, we got to see everything we wanted, and we had the chance to spend an entire week, just the 4 of us.  I honestly have no complaints from the trip... the hotel was fantastic, we walked every where but the zoo... and we ate at some amazing restaurants!

We have already started to talk about where we are going to go this April break... some ideas we are throwing around:
South Carolina
Boston... yeah again
any ideas anyone?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, I haven't been doing very well with keeping up with posts.  I have a lot I want to post and hopefully once we get up to camp I will get a chance... I have started and put off a few posts that I need to complete and get up here.  It has been crazy here the past few weeks with me being home with the boys and Josh being at school or at camp most nights gearing up for the end of school and the beginning of camp.  I have always been spending most of my evenings when I get home getting stuff organized and packed up to head to camp.  But hopefully once we get to camp things will settle down and I can post them all!  Stay tuned for a DC recap, a 2 year party recap and the misadventures of 2 year olds living at a Boy Scout camp!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twins, speech development, and CDS

When I found  out I was pregnant with twins, I of course, turned to the internet to find out what I should expect from pregnancy, infancy, toddlerhood and beyond.  I found that people will ooh and ahh over your babies more so than singletons (which I will cover in more detail in another post... most likely after a particularly annoying trip to the mall, Target, or grocery store), they will most likely be born early, you need to eat a lot more when pregnant with twins, and they may have some developmental details.  We have lucked out in that the boys were a healthy weight, required no NICU time (which is good, considering the small, southern Maine hospital I delivered in didn't have a NICU or a baby nursery for that matter), and were able to leave with me after a 4 day stay to control a fever and some dehydration on my part.  Keaghan did have to travel by car bed for about two weeks and we had frequent weight checks, but they were super healthy twins and have stayed that way.  They are super active and have amazing fine motor skills and developed and conquered many of the physical milestones ahead of the curve.  They do however have a speech delay.  They excel in receptive language (understanding what is said to them) but have very limited expressive language.  They use two signs from American Sign Language with no prompting (please and thank you) and a handful of others with some prompting, but do not use words for most requests, answers to questions or conversations.  When they vocalize their most prominent sound combination is "mama" with various inflections for different meanings. 
At their 15 month check up I expressed concerns about their speech, and was told to wait it out, because kids will often have a word "explosion" where they are saying no or few words and will suddenly start saying many more words between 15 and 18 months.  When they hit 18 months and still no change in their speech patterns, I pushed further and the pediatrician sent a referral to Child Development Services to set up an evaluation. 
Whew, that was a crazy day.  The evaluation was done here at home and 4 people from CDS came to evaluate the boys in a general spectrum of their skills to determine that speech was the only thing delayed.  They sat on the living room floor with the boys playing games and talking to them for 2 hours.  At the end of the evaluation it was determined that while the boys were average or above average in their development for most things, their expressive language was well below their receptive language and they qualified for services.
We wrote an IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) for both boys and were told we would be contacted to set up service times.
We have been seeing one of the evaluators as our service provider for about 2 months now, two times a week for an hour at a time and it is a great experience for the boys.  I am hoping for our word explosion to come soon, but until then I will wait patiently and do everything in my power to help them learn!
This is getting long (and it is the short version) but if anyone reading this has questions about twins, speech development, or Child Development Services, feel free to contact me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Whew, Its been awhile

Things have been crazy in this neck of the woods in the past few weeks.  Remember what I said about my love hate relationship with being a camp director's wife?  Well its starting up now, hubster has meetings at least a couple of nights a week so I am busy being parent numero uno to the boys and it is exhausting!   We have fun and it is great that we are able to go play outside a little bit more now but by the time they go to bed at night and I get everything cleaned up for the day and ready for the next day, I am just ready to fall asleep. 
We are also planning a vacation for next week, so expect a post after this week with pictures and a run down of what it is like taking two two year olds to Washington D.C.  It was a little nerve wracking during the government shut down talks to be planning a trip and not knowing what we would be able to do while there, but the government got it together enough so trip is on!
Because, oh yeah, the boys will be two on Sunday!  I am so  excited, we aren't doing a major celebration because we are leaving that night for our trip, plus we are also going to a birthday party for the boys' girlfriend, Elliot, who will be three that day.  It is so fun having friends with kids who share a birthday with the boys, fun to see what a difference a year or two makes in development!
Speaking of development, I will be writing a post in the near future talking about our experience with Child Development Services and the speech development of the boys. 

Ok this post is all over the place and I just wanted to update to let everyone reading (however many of you there are) that I haven't forgotten, and will try to get back into it, just as soon as I get back from a nice relaxing road trip!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My love/hate relationship with being a camp director's wife.

My husband, Josh, is the director of a summer camp on a pond in central Maine.  It causes him stress, but I think he really likes it.  And I like it too... I mean who doesn't love a view like this:
However, life as a camp director's wife is not all hanging by the lake and eating bon bons all summer... a camp director and his wife have responsibilities that reach far past the sunny weather and cool breezes of life on the lake.  Just this evening, as I sit quietly at the computer, enjoying my Girl Scout cookies (thank you young girls everywhere for your yummy deliciousness!) my husband is out volunteering his time to the promotion of camp.  But if you had arrived at our house just an hour ago, I would not be so serene in my description.  At that time I was trying to single-handedly coax two toddlers to eat their dinner, keep their bottoms in their seats, and not to fling mashed potatoes at the wall (or the cat).  At end of dinner, it was off to get cleaned up and get ready for bed... still by myself and coerce them into bed with a bribe of their favorite story.  This same evening will repeat itself over and over at least once a week until we move to camp at the end of June.

Ahhh the move to camp, probably my least favorite part of being a camp director's wife... while my husband is away planning and promoting, I am at home... figuring out which toys, books, clothes, movies, electronic devices and batteries will need to be packed and transported the 2 hours north for 9 weeks of fun and adventure.... all while still trying to maintain some semblance of order in our little house...

Don't get me wrong.  Being a camp director's wife is fantastic as well as hard... where else am I going to get so many wonderful teenage/adult role models for my children?  We have the best camp family in the world, who love our boys and take care of my husband at moments when he feels like he might go insane with the stress and work of seamlessly running a summer camp. 
And I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my boys in our little cabin and the freedom to not work in the summer.  Although there are times when I wish I was working and could have an escape, even for just an hour... just a solo trip to the grocery store or a couple of hours of grown up conversation!  I love that the boys have the room to run and play and are safe no matter where they turn, because someone from the "family" has a set of eyes on them.  They have the biggest playground of any toddlers and this is just one example of their play spaces:
So through all the stress of being home with the boys from morning until bed time, I keep reminding myself that this is a life we chose as a family, and of all the advantages it has provided the boys, and every time we have a meal that we had the week before and every week before that for 6 weeks I think, I didn't have to cook it or clean up after it and it makes me smile.  I love being a camp director's wife for these reasons, not because I am going to finish up this post, get into my jammies and curl up with a movie alone.  I try not to dwell on the loneliness and remember the sun shine shining down through the trees, finger painting in diapers, splashing in the pond and watching the sun set through my windows while listening to two snoring babies... much like they are snoring right now, and I am lucky.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have been thinking about blogging for a long time. I think it is a great way to share all the fun and exciting things that we do as a family. I guess I will start with an introduction the key players. (so people who know me, know they found me, and for those who don't to get a chance!)

I am Kristin and I am the mom of the family. I work in high school special education. I like to read, spend time with family and friends, shop and the color green!

My husband is Josh, he is the dad. He is a high school history teacher and the director of a summer camp. He likes ska music, the New England Patriots and the Boston Red Sox.

I have twin sons. Jack is almost 2 and loves to play with trucks, try on Mommy and Daddy's shoes and bite his brother.
Keaghan is also almost 2, and loves blocks, puzzles and coloring, as well as trucks and helping Mommy cook. Jack and Keaghan get to spend 3 days with their Nana and 2 days with their Grammy and Grampy while Mommy and Daddy work.

We also have two cats, Hermione and Chloe the Wonder Kitty (yes, that is her real name...just ask her vet :) ) who love to chase each other and sleep on the couch.

I created this blog to share funny stories, adventures and misadventures, cloth diapering, going green, living thrifty and healthy, photos of Jack and Keaghan (probably lots of those!)and as a way to let friends and family who are not living close right now, still have a light into the life of 2 Js and 2 Ks!

Bear with me as I try to get myself organized and figure out this blogging thing... it could get really cool!