Thursday, March 10, 2011

My love/hate relationship with being a camp director's wife.

My husband, Josh, is the director of a summer camp on a pond in central Maine.  It causes him stress, but I think he really likes it.  And I like it too... I mean who doesn't love a view like this:
However, life as a camp director's wife is not all hanging by the lake and eating bon bons all summer... a camp director and his wife have responsibilities that reach far past the sunny weather and cool breezes of life on the lake.  Just this evening, as I sit quietly at the computer, enjoying my Girl Scout cookies (thank you young girls everywhere for your yummy deliciousness!) my husband is out volunteering his time to the promotion of camp.  But if you had arrived at our house just an hour ago, I would not be so serene in my description.  At that time I was trying to single-handedly coax two toddlers to eat their dinner, keep their bottoms in their seats, and not to fling mashed potatoes at the wall (or the cat).  At end of dinner, it was off to get cleaned up and get ready for bed... still by myself and coerce them into bed with a bribe of their favorite story.  This same evening will repeat itself over and over at least once a week until we move to camp at the end of June.

Ahhh the move to camp, probably my least favorite part of being a camp director's wife... while my husband is away planning and promoting, I am at home... figuring out which toys, books, clothes, movies, electronic devices and batteries will need to be packed and transported the 2 hours north for 9 weeks of fun and adventure.... all while still trying to maintain some semblance of order in our little house...

Don't get me wrong.  Being a camp director's wife is fantastic as well as hard... where else am I going to get so many wonderful teenage/adult role models for my children?  We have the best camp family in the world, who love our boys and take care of my husband at moments when he feels like he might go insane with the stress and work of seamlessly running a summer camp. 
And I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my boys in our little cabin and the freedom to not work in the summer.  Although there are times when I wish I was working and could have an escape, even for just an hour... just a solo trip to the grocery store or a couple of hours of grown up conversation!  I love that the boys have the room to run and play and are safe no matter where they turn, because someone from the "family" has a set of eyes on them.  They have the biggest playground of any toddlers and this is just one example of their play spaces:
So through all the stress of being home with the boys from morning until bed time, I keep reminding myself that this is a life we chose as a family, and of all the advantages it has provided the boys, and every time we have a meal that we had the week before and every week before that for 6 weeks I think, I didn't have to cook it or clean up after it and it makes me smile.  I love being a camp director's wife for these reasons, not because I am going to finish up this post, get into my jammies and curl up with a movie alone.  I try not to dwell on the loneliness and remember the sun shine shining down through the trees, finger painting in diapers, splashing in the pond and watching the sun set through my windows while listening to two snoring babies... much like they are snoring right now, and I am lucky.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have been thinking about blogging for a long time. I think it is a great way to share all the fun and exciting things that we do as a family. I guess I will start with an introduction the key players. (so people who know me, know they found me, and for those who don't to get a chance!)

I am Kristin and I am the mom of the family. I work in high school special education. I like to read, spend time with family and friends, shop and the color green!

My husband is Josh, he is the dad. He is a high school history teacher and the director of a summer camp. He likes ska music, the New England Patriots and the Boston Red Sox.

I have twin sons. Jack is almost 2 and loves to play with trucks, try on Mommy and Daddy's shoes and bite his brother.
Keaghan is also almost 2, and loves blocks, puzzles and coloring, as well as trucks and helping Mommy cook. Jack and Keaghan get to spend 3 days with their Nana and 2 days with their Grammy and Grampy while Mommy and Daddy work.

We also have two cats, Hermione and Chloe the Wonder Kitty (yes, that is her real name...just ask her vet :) ) who love to chase each other and sleep on the couch.

I created this blog to share funny stories, adventures and misadventures, cloth diapering, going green, living thrifty and healthy, photos of Jack and Keaghan (probably lots of those!)and as a way to let friends and family who are not living close right now, still have a light into the life of 2 Js and 2 Ks!

Bear with me as I try to get myself organized and figure out this blogging thing... it could get really cool!